A super yacht is a symbol of status that could draw a lot of attention. The fact that most of times yachts go alongside or are anchored at spots with security varying from minimum to none makes them easy targets of opportunity. Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) or in other words handmade bombs are relatively easy to build and can come in all sizes and shapes making them easy to be concealed. After all is not necessarily about causing human casualties or damage to the yacht itself as for the impact of the action and the statement behind it as such actions makes headlines.
Although suspicious packages in many cases prove not to be an explosive device, the mere possibility is enough to disrupt the daily schedule let alone the results should they turn out to be real bombs. Further handling of those is a responsibility of the authorities but till that moment a lot of actions can be undertaken by the crew in order to avoid any further diminish of an already complex situation. The best defence against suspicious packages is enhancing crew’s situational awareness, in other words the understanding of the environment that allows them to detect anomalies. Should any suspicious package is being detected once again it is the crew that will take the first actions by securing themselves, the passengers, the yacht and last but not least to provide the authorities with credible information in a timely manner.
The best defence against suspicious packages is enhancing crew’s situational awareness, in other words the understanding of the environment that allows them to detect anomalies. Should any suspicious package is being detected once again it is the crew that will take the first actions by securing themselves, the passengers, the yacht and last but not least to provide the authorities with credible information in a timely manner.
This course provides the crew with a series of proactive measures in order to prevent such incidents but will also teach and train it adequately.
Tags: Security